About us
The School of Sport (Gymnastics for the body and mind) was born as an initiative of the International Organization New Acropolis to recover and promote the meaning that sport had in the classical world, as a way of knowledge and self-improvement and healthy coexistence with others. We are a school where we combine the Platonic idea of living music and gymnastics as foundations in the educational process, the first to know harmony and the sense of proportion in the search for knowledge and the second to master passion and control one’s own fears.
Everyone who participates in the School of Sport is a volunteer, and our logo features the flame as a universal symbol of unity. Those who feel this calling also believe in the ideas of brotherhood between peoples, of non-discrimination, of using sport as a transmitter of values and of the tireless search for peace.
National and international meetings
The Olympics of Volunteering are sporting events, held both nationally and internationally, whose purpose is derived from the value that the Games themselves have, that is, to prepare the athlete, individually and collectively, for competition and struggle. It should be noted that, etymologically, athlete means "one who fights, one who strives", and the word compete comes from the Latin Com-petire, which means "going together towards something".
Institutional relations
In the different countries where the School of Sport is established, it maintains a close affiliation with the philosophy schools of New Acropolis, integrating part of their training programs and receiving a strong boost from the International Organization that gave birth to it. There is also a fruitful relationship with the Pierre de Coubertin Committee of Brazil, and with the Centre for Coubertinian Studies, collaborating and actively participating in various projects both in the country and internationally.
Philosopher coaches receive training both online and in person at all the meetings held throughout the year. Seminars, talks, poetry competitions are naturally linked to sport.
Study groups
In each country where there are members of the School of Sport, different groups research and publish articles on sport from a philosophical perspective.
Articles and publications
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