2014 Ordinary General Assembly

A)The General Assembly of the IONA reaffirms its determination to promote philosophical knowledge and to make the practice of philosophy a daily way of life. As a source of ethical and citizenship values, this practical philosophy can bring human beings closer to harmonious coexistence and solidarity and help humanity copemore effectively with the global crisis it is facing.
To this end, it recommendsthat the member associations of the IONAundertake joint programmes in the fields of Philosophy, Culture and Volunteering in ways that willenhance the value ofhuman dignity.
B) The Programme of Studies of the IONA’s School of Philosophy in the classical tradition is yet anotherexample of the importanteducational work being carried out by the IONAaround the world.
As the priority of human beings is to improve themselves within a framework of respect and fraternity in order to foster the development of a better society, the General Assembly recommends that the member associations of the IONA promote the development of the different levels of this Programme of Studies in its degrees of Expert, Specialist and Master.
C)The General Assembly recognises the notable humanitarian and philosophical work of New Acropolis in more than two hundred centres around the world, the effectiveness of which has been praised by several major public and private institutions..
It therefore recommends that the member associations of the IONA continue to form social action groups to support men and women in difficulty or distress. To this end they should give priority to the training and education systems which New Acropolis has established,in order to continue to provide real and effective help in the different parts of the world where it operates.
D)The activities carried out over the past year by the different organisations and associations linked to the IONA in the area of environmental protection have been truly commendable, as can be seen in the Activities Yearbook which is presented to this General Assembly.
The General Assembly therefore reminds all member associations of the IONA of the need to preserve our shared planet, the Earth, and to continue with their educational and concrete actions in the field of ecology and the environment. In this sense, it recommends taking into account the call of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)for nominations for the Champions of the Earth Award 2014, which seeks to reward and endorse actions and leadership that have made a positive impact on the environment.