2022 International Assembly

The General Meeting of the IONA approves the following resolutions:
- To congratulate all the local sections of the I.O.N.A. in the more than 50 countries where it operates for their outstanding response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the diligent measures they have taken to prevent infections, following the guidelines set out by the World Health Organization (WHO).
- To draw attention to the continuing work that has been carried out in connection with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) formulated by the United Nations. The focus was on implementing the following SDGs, which match the profile of the International Organization New Acropolis and its activities: SDG 4, on Quality Education; SDG 13, on Climate Action; SDG 16, on Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions; and SDG 17, on Partnerships to Achieve Objectives.
- To highlight the volunteering work that has been carried out by the different centres of the I.O.N.A. around the world, including aid to persons and populations in extreme need, environmental protection, tree planting campaigns, help for elderly people, support for the homeless, soup kitchens for people with limited resources, actions to provide accessible and non-polluting energy in rural locations across Europe and America, and educational programmes for health and sports that help to improve lifestyle.
- To recommend to all the centres of New Acropolis around the world that they continue to celebrate World Philosophy Day in the month of November, in accordance with the premises laid down by U.N.E.S.C.O. This is an event which the I.O.N.A. has been celebrating without interruption for more than 12 years at its different centres around the world, with activities such as lecture programmes, meetings, symposiums and conferences, with the aim of bringing philosophy closer to people in all walks of life.
- To propose that all the local associations of New Acropolis contribute to the celebration of Mother Earth Day, which is held around the world on 22 April. The General Meeting of the I.O.N.A. recommends that the different national associations affiliated to the International Organization promote and give value to the protection of our planet through different events and activities.