2023 International Assembly

The General Meeting of the IONA approves the following resolutions:
In the face of the suffering being experienced by the nations involved in the armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia, the International Organization New Acropolis deplores all military action and advocates the peaceful solution of problems.
In line with this, volunteers from the different centres of the IONA around the world are continuing with their best efforts to help alleviate the extremely difficult situation which is already affecting thousands of individuals. New Acropolis hopes that this conflict will be resolved as soon as possible, and that peace will soon be restored.
- To note the contribution made by the IONA in 2022 to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed by the United Nations, in particular: SDG 4, on Quality Education; SDG 15, on Life on Land; SDG 16, on Peace and Justice; and SDG 17, on Partnerships for the Goals. The General Meeting reiterated the need to take a human and educational approach to the activities to be carried out this year, prioritising a change in the individual and collective awareness of the problems the world is facing.
- To highlight the volunteering work that has been carried out by the different centres of the IONA around the world, including aid to those most in need, environmental protection, planting of trees, help for the elderly, protection of the homeless, soup kitchens for people with limited resources, actions to provide accessible and non-polluting energy in rural locations across Europe and America, and health and sports education programmes that help to improve lifestyle.
- To invite all national associations to continue with their work of promoting philosophy. In particular, to highlight the continuing work over the last 15 years in connection with the UNESCO initiative “World Philosophy Day”, a celebration involving the efforts of over 400 centres of New Acropolis worldwide. We echo the message of the UN Director-General on the occasion of World Philosophy Day in 2022, when she said: ” In view of the magnitude of contemporary challenges, it is indeed our very conception of humanity that must be re-examined… This reflection must be open. Open to all eyes, first of all, by measuring in particular, in this International Decade of Indigenous Languages, how indigenous philosophies can change the way we look at the world, as well as our way of living in it”..
- To recommend that all local associations actively contribute to the celebration of Mother Earth Day, a worldwide event held on 22 April each year. The General Meeting of the IONA encourages all associations to organize events and activities that promote and give value to the protection of our planet.
- To reaffirm our conviction that philosophy and access to knowledge should not only be theoretical, but should also have a practical aspect. In view of this, the General Meeting wishes to highlight the educational aspect of our work through the pedagogical formula that promotes philosophy, culture and volunteering. An education that prioritizes respect for others, as a real indication of harmonious coexistence, which makes us all more human and tolerant.
- The General Meeting wishes to highlight the willingness of the IONA’s volunteers to travel to places that have suffered great devastation, working together with public and private organisations in search and rescue operations, as happened in the case of the earthquakes that have ravaged large areas of Syria and Turkey. Well trained and specialist teams have joined forces with the volunteers of many countries, contributing with their good will and experience.