International Centre for Studies of

About us

The Bodhidharma Martial Arts Study Centre was founded with the aim of rescuing the martial tradition, as it was originally conceived by the civilizations of the East and West. Beyond the development of the technical, tactical and strategic aspects, which are very important in martial arts, the aim is also to rescue the spirit of martial arts through a unifying philosophical awareness, promoting a deep knowledge of martial cultural traditions, based on the belief that physical movements are symbolic reflections of the nature and inner state of the practitioner.

Through its theoretical and practical classes, it promotes the mastery of fear, anxiety and overcoming violence through inner strength, in addition to a training system with the aim of harmonizing all aspects of the practitioner’s personality. The name of the study centre pays tribute to someone who represents a fundamental milestone in the history of Martial Arts, such as Master Bodhidharma, known in China as Ta Mo and in Japan as Daruma.


Conferences and Seminars

In our lectures and seminars, we explore Martial Arts as a path to philosophical self-knowledge. We reflect on the harmony between body, mind and spirit, uniting theory and practice to reveal the ancestral wisdom that guides life in its many aspects.

Tournaments and Demonstrations

Tournaments and demonstrations are more than competitions. Here, participants test not only their technical ability, but also their inner discipline. We celebrate courage and humility, essential values for understanding that true victory is over oneself.

Self-defense courses

Our self-defense courses are an invitation to discover inner strength. Through effective techniques and a philosophical approach, we cultivate trust and respect for others, teaching that defense begins with the balance of our own nature.

Research on the culture and philosophy of martial arts

Philosophical research in the martial arts takes us deeper into their cultural legacy. We explore ancient texts and living traditions, seeking to understand how these principles remain beacons of ethics, discipline and personal transformation in the contemporary world.

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