New Acropolis is part of civil society in 54 member countries of the United Nations. This institution adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in 2015 after a process of dialogue and consensus among multiple public and private stakeholders. This is a frame of reference that facilitates communication and alliances to achieve the 17 global objectives proposed by the agenda. Therefore, the IONA General Assembly agreed in 2020 to adhere to the UN call to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that are included in the so-called 2030 Agenda and disseminate the need to generate greater awareness of unity and solidarity to see them fulfilled.
Sustainable Development Goals

Why contribute?
As a philosophical organization, it seems to us that everything that unites human beings deserves an opportunity to be promoted, supported and strengthened. The SDGs provide an opportunity to have a common language for those of us who work on complex problems such as those currently facing humanity. In the face of the great crises that the new generations will face, it is time to build bridges and alliances to help thousands of people in need.
What is our philosophical position regarding the SDGs?
An essential element in the process of solving the current problems facing humanity, the contribution of conscious, resilient human beings committed to their own transformation and with values such as solidarity and compassion. Transforming apathy and indifference into understanding, generosity and volunteering is something we have been doing since the founding of New Acropolis.
The basis of the SDGs is an educational and cultural transformation that leads us to build rather than destroy, to investigate and discern rather than give an opinion, and to act rather than criticize. Our organizational focus is to contribute to a cultural, philosophical and educational transformation. That is why our contribution to the SDGs is fundamentally based on our educational and humanist vocation.

Which objectives do we contribute to?
In the 2020 General Assembly resolution, after an analysis of all the programs developed by the IONA, it was decided to start measuring the contributions to four priority SDGs.
These are:

SDG 4 - Quality Education
The main contribution of the IONA is to Education through its Philosophy program and the multiple activities to promote philosophy and culture. These activities represent more than 60% of the IONA’s actions worldwide. Our educational programs are accessible to all ages, in more than 400 cities around the world and promote, among other things, a new conception of the human being and of nature, a greater capacity to respond to adversity and a practical exercise of values of solidarity and generosity. Likewise, we promote philosophical reflection inspired by the classical thinkers of the East and the West, applied to the current situations that humanity is experiencing.
For almost two decades, we have celebrated World Philosophy Day promoted by UNESCO in hundreds of cities and with thousands of participants. Together we reflect, among other topics, on values related to the promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship, the appreciation of cultural diversity and the contribution of culture to sustainable development. See indicator 4.7 of the 2030 Agenda.

SDG 15 - Life on Land Ecosystems
Each year we conduct more than 600 activities to protect, restore and promote sustainable land use. Since 2021 we have joined the United Nations Decade for Ecosystem Restoration.
Our associated entities and hundreds of allies around the world carry out actions around International Mother Earth Day in a joint effort to advance indicator 15.1 which seeks to ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services, in particular forests, wetlands, mountains and arid regions. Likewise, we rescue ancestral traditions that allow the re-education of human beings in their relationship with Mother Earth. Likewise, we rescue ancestral traditions that allow the re-education of human beings in their relationship with Mother Earth.

SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Our work has a central axis in peace and in building personal skills to first achieve inner peace as a starting point to improve coexistence in the environments in which we operate.
Every year, we dedicate thousands of hours of volunteer service in activities to promote a culture of peace, mainly through educational, philosophical and cultural activities. The indicators to which we contribute are indicators 16.1 and 16.b. Above all, we promote respect for human dignity, cultural diversity, fraternity and solidarity by training respectful and inclusive volunteer leaders.

SDG 17 - Partnerships to achieve the goals
Of the thousands of activities carried out during the semester, 1 out of 10 were carried out in partnership with other institutions. The sectors of society with which alliances have been made include municipal institutions, other civil society organizations and the private sector. By carrying out activities in partnership with other sectors of society, the IONA contributes to indicator 17.17.

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